So I was breaking my head when getting a white screen error on the frontend, after moving a site from a test domain to production on another domain. The backend was accessible and had no problems.
– WordPress self hosted
– Elementor Pro
– Several Elementor plugins
– Astra theme
– WP Rocket
– Various other plugins
What I tried:
I tried saving Permalinks, ensuring there were no database leftovers from the old domain, (there were none), checking my PHP memory limit was sufficient, and a lot of other things. But the white screen remained whatever I did.
Step 1: Deactivate WP Rocket plugin, reactivate WP Rocket plugin.
After this, the site came up already, no more white screen frontpage.
Just to be sure I added a few steps:
Step 2: Elementor -> Tools -> Regenerate `CSS -> Press button ‘Regenerate Files’
Step 3: WP Rocket -> Delete cache
Step 4: WP Rocket -> Dashboard -> Press button ‘Regenerate Critical CSS’